Friday, September 24, 2004





Baby Ella

..lives in London with Tom and Nicole.

bigger pic



new site

Every wednesday,

Northgate Hall, Oxford.

Truly lovely.

(Wish I could play/sing.. may have to learn one day..)

Monday, September 13, 2004


nuke anything

firefox extensions

Saturday, September 11, 2004


philosophy LIFF

hume, pron. To commit to the flames, bury, or otherwise destroy a philosophical position, as in "That theory was humed in the 1920s." Hence, exhume, v. to revive a position generally believed to humed.

kripke, adj. Not understood, but considered brilliant. "I hate to admit it, but I found his remarks quite kripke."

buber, v. To struggle in a morass of one's own making. "After I defined the self as a relation that relates to itself relatingly, I bubered around for three pages." Hence:
buber, n. one who bubers. "When my mistake was pointed out to me, I felt like a complete buber."

carnap, n. (1) A formally defined symbol, operator, special bit of notation. "His prose is peppered with carnaps" or "the argument will proceed more efficiently if we introduce a few carnaps".

The Philosophical Lexicon


Fuck it, let's go bowling.


Friday, September 03, 2004


exit strategy...

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