Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Questions for the LibDem candidates for Oxford East

In the Lib party in Oxford East, we're having an election to decide who will be our candidate to run in the real election.. (it's all very democratic you know...) I've been electronically canvassed by two of the candidates.

These are the questions I've sent them:

National things:

If elected to parliament:

1. How would you vote (were there to be a vote) on taking action in Iran?

2. What would you do to enforce the Equal Pay Act?

3. Would you join a coalition with Labour? If so, what would be your conditions?

4. Would you join a coalition with the Tories? If so, what would be your conditions?

(I know 3./4. have been "banned" by the party - but it's an important question - if not *the* important question - and we have a right to expect an answer.)

Oxford things:

If elected:

1. What would you do to help young people in Oxford's deprived estates?

2. What would you do about the University's new Animal Lab / the protesters?

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