Monday, August 01, 2005
Ccreationism back in biology lessons in 20 states in the US.
David Attenborough on the today program this morning, reminds "Intelligent Design" lobbyist that we solved the what-about-the-human-eye one in the 19th century.
IntelligentD dude's argument goes something like: dna is a program, programs have programmers -> qed. This is a special new kind of science called uniformitarianism. Interviewer appears to be giggling in background. Attenborough polite but firm.
(skip to 3 mins in if you don't want to hear the introduction)
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"Intelligent Falling"
"Traditional scientists admit that they cannot explain how gravitation is supposed to work," the onion...
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"Traditional scientists admit that they cannot explain how gravitation is supposed to work," the onion...
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